Shadows of Greatness follows pro boxer Sena Agbeko, Ghana's former middleweight boxing champion. With a record of 60-9, he moved to the US to take things further, but has yet to make his mainstream debut. In the middle of a career gap and an immigrant with an entertainment visa, Sena lives in near isolation fighting every day to maintain his passion and commitment for his dream of becoming world champion.
Starring - Sena Agbeko
A Gear Seven Production
Director/Writer - Josh McGowan
DoP - John Matysiak
Producer - Kirk Slawek, Josh Deal, Josh McGowan
MOVI Op - Sam Willey
1st AC - Diego Cacho 2nd
AC - Andrew Dean
Gaffer - Mike Beatty
Grip - Jason Hassell, John Spencer
Audio - Alonso Cacho
PA: Kenneth Herron
Art Direction - Jonathan Fraiser, Kelley Courtney
Prod Design - Christie Kinsel
HMU - Morgan Rose
Sound Design and Mix - Josh Berger
Edit - Brandon Routh (Short)
Josh McGowan (Long)
Color - Ty Roth CO3